2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

College of Education and Human Performance

Dr. Kim Bloss, Interim Dean

The College of Education and Human Performance consists of the following departments and service areas:

  1. Admissions, Field Experience, and Licensure (AFEL)
  2. The Department of Teacher Education
  3. The Department of Counseling and Professional Studies (see Graduate Catalog)
  4. The Department of Human Performance and Sport Sciences
  5. The SAU Educational Renewal Zone

Mission Statement

The College of Education and Human Performance, guided by the University’s vision and mission, primarily meets the needs of candidates who come from communities in south central and southwest Arkansas, but also serves candidates from the across state, nation, and world. Candidates are served through the College’s teaching, research, service, and outreach programs. Our aim is to ensure that all College of Education and Human Performance candidates develop the ability to be creative and critical thinkers who are able to make appropriate decisions relative to their professional roles and responsibilities as citizens of a democratic nation and a global community.

Mission of the Educator Provider Program

Every candidate comes with a purpose: to become an educator. To support them in actualizing that purpose, we promise to provide exceptional preparation so candidates will be ready to fill that role when they complete their program.

Vision: We envision a world where educators inspire students, value the uniqueness of all learners and are dedicated to transforming lives for a better tomorrow.

Mission: We strive to prepare professional educators who enter the workforce with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to meet the needs of students in 21st-century schools and communities.

Graduate Programs

Graduate programs within the College of Education and Human Performance are detailed in the SAU Graduate Catalog.

Programs of Study

Teacher Education Preparation Program
The College of Education and Human Performance is the CAEP-approved unit for the Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) and teacher licensure at Southern Arkansas University. Pathways for pre-candidates during their first two years include a Certificate of Proficiency in Education and an Associate of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education, Associate of Science in Middle School Education, or an Associate of Science in Secondary Education. The EPP also offers a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) with majors in Elementary Education K-6, Middle School Education, and K -12 Physical Education and Health. Also offered are licensure pathways in Secondary Agriculture, English, Math, Music, Social Studies, and Spanish. Music also offers licensure preparation programs in K-12 vocal and K-12 instrumental music. Additionally, endorsements in Coaching and Special Education Resource are also available. The Dempsey College of Liberal and Performing Arts offers a certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language.

Candidates should, however, be aware that revisions in the State of Arkansas licensure guidelines could result in changes that are not reflected in the catalog. Candidates must consult regularly with their advisors to ensure appropriate program completion.

In addition, the College of Education and Human Performance offers the Bachelors of Science (BS degree) in Exercise Science and Sports Management.


The Education Preparation Providers Unit (EPP) at Southern Arkansas University is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation Educator Preparation (CAEP), www.caepnet.org. This accreditation covers initial programs and advanced programs at SAU. However, the accreditation does not include individual education courses that the institution offers to P-12 educators for professional development, re-licensure, or other purposes. CAEP - the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation, 1140 19th Street Northwest, Suite 400; Washington, DC 20036; (202) 223-0077.


The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) has an assessment system to ensure candidate development and high quality programming. Throughout the duration of the program, the candidate completes several assessments aligned to critical competencies and dispositions for program completion.

Admission to the Educator Preparation Program

Pre-candidates who plan to follow educator preparation programs must, in consultation with their advisor, submit a formal application for admission. Applicants should work closely with a College of Education and Human Performance advisor to determine when to apply. All application requirements must be completed when the application is filed. Students transferring to SAU will need to apply for admission to the University and also apply, when eligible, to the EPP.

Criteria for Admission to the Educator Preparation Program

Candidates can apply for conditional or unconditional admission to the EPP when eligible. Candidates must work with their advisor to apply. A candidate does not have to apply for conditional admission if they meet all requirements for unconditional admission.

For a candidate to enroll in EPP coursework they must, at minimal, be admitted conditionally. A successful criminal background check must be submitted in order to complete any EPP field-based courses. Failure to pass a successful criminal background check will result in the student being withdrawn from the field-based course(s).

For more information on the full admissions policy for conditional and unconditional admission, visit the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tRoT0XimBlepI1baFgzvg_uWIyiMHEHe/view?usp=sharing

Application for Student Teaching Block

To apply for student teaching candidates must have senior status and all coursework for the program of study meets the program requirements prior to student teaching. Candidate must be an unconditional admit. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Admissions, Field Experience and Licensure (AFEL) in Cross 218. The AFEL office will designate a date in early fall and spring for the following semester for submissions. Please see your College of Education and Human Performance advisor to get the application and complete the forms.

Student Teaching Requirements

The Student Teaching Block is a complete semester of work, which includes 15 weeks of full-time student teaching and completion of student teaching seminar(s). It is recommended that no other course work be taken or completed during this semester.

During your student teaching semester, proof of Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Assessments must be provided and will be a part of your Student Teaching grade. All other program requirements as stated in the student teaching handbook must be met during the semester.

Educator Preparation Program Professional Responsibilities

Ethics: Pre-service teachers are bound by the Code of Ethics for Educators established by the Arkansas Department of Education Professional License Standards Board (PLSB). The Code of Ethics is governed by the Arkansas Code of Ann. §6-17-428. Violation of the Code of Ethics may result in an administrative hearing by the PLSB, who reports their findings to the State Board of Education. Violation of the Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary action or removal from the Educator Preparation Program.

Science of Reading: Candidates are required to complete a SOR pathway to be eligible for licensure based on the Arkansas Licensure Law 3 -

Elementary Education candidates must prove proficiency by taking and passing E ED 4173 - Teaching Literacy I   and E ED 4273 - Teaching Literacy II .

If candidates in another licensure program would like to follow the proficiency track they are also eligible to take E ED 4173 - Teaching Literacy I  and E ED 4173 - Teaching Literacy I .

All other undergraduate initial licensure programs must meet awareness and can do this by completing at minimal one of the following:

EDUC 4113 - Reading Diagnostics  
EDUC 4203 - Strategies for Content Area Reading  

ArkansasIDEAS Science of Reading Learning Path (18 hours of instructional content training).

If a candidate completes the ArkansasIDEAS training, proof of successful completion must be provided to the Admissions, Field Experience, and Licensure office.

Additional Trainings: The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) also requires professional development by the Arkansas Code of Ann. §4-2.01.7 for all candidates in Educator Preparation Programs. Candidates must complete these requirements prior to student teaching and continue to uphold professional responsibilities.

Completion of ethics, science of reading, and additional training is a requirement for licensure approval.

Requirements for Arkansas Teacher Licensure

Candidates will not be eligible for the standard license until all Praxis II exams and Foundations of Reading (for elementary candidates) have been passed.

Graduation from Southern Arkansas University does not guarantee Arkansas Teacher Licensure. All Arkansas teaching licenses are issued by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.

After graduation and after the degree (citing major and second teaching field if applicable) is posted on the transcript, the student must complete an application for a teaching license. The application process is completed online and instructions for submitting the application will be provided to candidates during their student teaching semester. Issuance of a professional license is not automatic - the candidate must apply.

Note: Teacher candidates who complete all required courses for licensure and who pass content knowledge exam(s) will be recommended for a standard teaching license. Candidates who have not passed the content knowledge exam(s) cannot be recommended for a provisional or standard teaching license.

Education Undergraduate Certificate Polices

Minimum Requirements for Education Undergraduate Certificate Program

Below are the minimum requirements for the Education Undergraduate Certificate Programs.

  • Transcript will reflect “Undergraduate Certificate in Education”
  • Courses required in the program are as follows:
  • The minimum number of credits required for the certificate are nine.
  • To receive an education certificate, a student must have a minimum 3.00 grade point average (GPA) on all certificate coursework.
  • The minimum grade to receive certificate credit is B.
  • Transfer credit from other institutions is allowed for one course in the education certificate for the general education requirement. The education courses must be taken through SAU.
  • All certificate requirements must be completed within six (6) calendar years, beginning with the date the student commences courses applicable to the education certificate.

Classification of Students

Students who are pursuing a certificate while also pursuing an undergraduate degree will be classified as degree-seeking students. Students who are pursuing a certificate while not enrolled in a degree-program will be classified as non-degree seeking students.

Transferring GCP Courses to an Undergraduate Degree Program

Course credit from the education certificate can be applied toward an education degree program. Certificate programs can be included within or added to existing degrees. Students can use the same course to earn both a certificate and an undergraduate degree as long as the requirements for both have been fulfilled.

Certificate Completion

It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the certificate program advisor during the last semester of certificate coursework to determine that all requirements for completion have been met. It is also the responsibility of the student to apply for the certificate by the established deadline as explained below.

Once certificate program requirements are completed, a student can request a certificate. To receive a completed certificate, a student must:

  • Complete all admission and course requirements for the certificate. Note: Students must maintain a 3.00 grade point average (GPA) in the certificate coursework to be eligible for completion.
  • Complete the Undergraduate Program Certificate Completion Form
  • Submit the completed form to the program advisor by the following deadlines:
    • Form submitted no later than September 1st for the fall semester
    • Form submitted no later than February 1st for the spring semester
    • Form submitted by May 1st for summer sessions

The program advisor will:

  • Confirm the satisfactory completion of certificate course requirements.
  • Sign the completion form and attach a degree audit.
  • Send the signed form and degree audit to the Teacher Education Chair.

Once the form is submitted, the Teacher Education Chair will:

  • Notify the SAU Office of the Registrar of completion so that the student’s transcripts can be updated.

College of Education and Human Performance Services

Education Renewal Zone
The SAU Education Renewal Zone is designed to support schools, school leadership, education service cooperatives, institutions of higher education, and communities participating with the Education Renewal Zone (ERZ) in the delivery of the quality education needed to assist students in attaining the performance levels set forth by the State of Arkansas and as defined by the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Participating regional school districts plus the Southwest and South Central Education Service Cooperatives and Southern Arkansas University have entered into an inter-local agreement through which they jointly collaborate to improve public school performance and academic achievement. This inter-local agreement establishes an ERZ with the purpose of achieving the following requirements:

  1. Identify and implement education and management strategies designed specifically to improve public school performance and student academic achievement.
  2. Provide for collaboration among the state’s smaller schools and districts in order to achieve some of the advantages of economies of scale in providing educational and related activities.
  3. Maximize benefits and outcomes of public schooling by concentrating and coordinating the resources of Arkansas’ higher education institutions, the expertise of the regional education service cooperatives, and the technical assistance of other service providers to improve public school performance and student academic achievement.
  4. Enable small, rural, and low-wealth schools to make the best use of the latest cost-effective distance learning technology to enhance curricula and professional development through two-way interactive learning environments.

For more information regarding the Education Renewal Zone and related services, please contact the director of ERZ directly in Cross Hall 223 or call (870) 235-5014.